Unique Entity Number or UEN is the company registration number issued to businesses in Singapore. This article discusses frequently asked questions about UEN that will also help you understand its importance and functions. On the other hand, this link will give you an introduction to the things you need to know about UEN.

What are UEN issuance agencies?

The issuance agencies of the company registration number in Singapore. Locally known as the UEN.

Issuance agencies are Singapore-mandated governing bodies that have the power and capacity to register an entity.

Where can entities get their UEN?

Here are some of the UEN issuance agencies in Singapore and their entity-type indicator: 

  • Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) – issues UEN for the following business entities:
    • Limited Partnership (LP)
    • Limited Liability Partnerships (LL)
    • Foreign Companies (FC)
    • Public Accounting Firms (PF)
  • Enterprise Singapore (ESG) – issues UEN for Representative Offices (RF) of the following:
    • Foreign Companies
    • Foreign Government Agencies
    • Foreign Trade Associations/Chambers/Non-Profit Organisations
  • Ministry of Communications and Information – issues UEN for news bureaus (NB).
  • Ministry of Defense – issues UEN for foreign military units (FM).
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs – issues UEN for Embassies and High Commissions (DP), Consulate (CP), and International Organisations (NR). 
  • Ministry of Health – issues UEN for healthcare institutions and clinics. Their entity-type indicator varies depending on the service provided. See below list:
    • Medical clinic only (CM)
    • Dental clinic only (CD)
    • Medical and Dental clinic (MD)
    • Hospitals (HS)
    • Commercial Home (CH)
    • Maternity Home (MH)
    • Clinical Laboratory (CL)
    • Voluntary Welfare Home (VH)
    • Clinical and Xray Laboratory (CX)
  • Monetary Authority of Singapore – issues UEN for Financial Representative Offices such as Bank Representative Offices (FB) and Insurance Representative Offices (FN). 
  • Ministry of National Development – issues UEN for Town Councils (TC). Its statutory board is the Housing and Development Board which is responsible for the public housing in Singapore. 

What are the three UEN formats and their meanings

Currently, there are three UEN formats used by the government.

Here are their meanings:

‘n’ = number

‘P’ = alphabetical letter

‘Q’ = alphanumeric digit

‘PQ’ = entity-type 

Tyy’ / ‘Syy’ / ‘yyyy’= year of issuance

X = check alphabet

For example, a limited liability partnership company formed on January 1, 2009, then you’ll receive UEN T09LL0001B. 

What are the advantages of having a UEN?

Your UEN serves as the standard identification of your company. This is the only number you need when dealing with different government agencies in Singapore. Whether you are updating your company information with ACRA or making payments to CPF, just present your UEN to transact smoothly. Since the UEN is permanent, there is no need for you to acquire different numbers to represent your company in any dealings with the government. 

Can a business entity acquire more than one UEN?

No. The appropriate issuance agency in Singapore will only issue one UEN per company. This number will be the official UEN and will represent the business in any interaction with the government. 

What is Special UEN (SUN)?

According to ACRA, from February 2018, company owners can choose a preferred UEN from a list of reserved UENs during incorporation, at a cost. It is known as the Special UEN. SUN enables entity owners to easily identify and remember their own UEN. However, individuals who do not wish to apply for a SUN will be issued with a free system-generated UEN.

Head of Incorporation Services
Cherrie Yee is an expert on small and medium enterprises. She has over 10 years of professional experience in corporate secretarial involving foreign companies, local companies as well as private companies.
Head of Incorporation Services
Cherrie Yee is an expert on small and medium enterprises. She has over 10 years of professional experience in corporate secretarial involving foreign companies, local companies as well as private companies.
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